ALBIOMA, TE Program Architect


Today, with a senior Program Director, I’m taking in charge the Program “Energy Transition / Transition Energétique (TE)”.

This team will grow as the projects are awarded,


The whole program, we are to convert from Coal to Biomass:

  • 3 existing power plants,
  • 9 * ~35 MWe Coal fired Power plant to convert to 100% Biomass:
    • Local biomass,
    • Wood pellets.
  • 2 harbor installation.


The whole program is to be ALBIOMA’s biggest program ever (by far, reaching >>500M€)

The whole program will include the single biggest project ever (ABR)


This multi year program will span from 2018 untill ~2023 – 2025.


French “Loi de transition Energetique” (Energy transition Law) gives us the opportunity to convert existing power plants to Biomass .

Let’s keep contact

Vincent EUDIER

Vincent EUDIER is a 20 years experience Energy Project / Program Manager with strong emphasis on development,

My résumé